Friday, November 21, 2008

On Nephi, and Lehi, and Enos and Omni . . .

Okay everybody, it's official. Aaron received his mission call yesterday, Thursday. Angie texted him to let him know that the 'big white envelope' had arrived. I think he was pretty wired or wigged out by the time he got home from work. He decided to torture himself further by waiting until 8 pm to open it so that everyone could be here. We called Jaci and Jake so they could hear along with the rest of us. His call is to Anchorage Alaska - English speaking, and he leaves on Feb. 25th 2009. We had everyone write down their guesses on where he was going; 'officially' there was no winner, no one was even close. But the unofficial winner was Dad, he said he was going to Twoboobs, Alaska. Lucky guess! About the only comment A.J. made was "I'm going to freeze to death!" We are really excited for him, what a exciting place to go. And we are extra proud of his decision to serve a mission. He's a great example for his friends here and I know those friends who are already serving will be excited to know he is joining them in the field. hummmm, this puts a new twist on 'the field is WHITE, already to harvest.' We love you A.J.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Step. Bomp! Step. BompBomp!

Here is the Christmas Line-up
for Two Thousand and Eight in the year of our Lord.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A few more pics...I've been having some fun with PhotoShop.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hey Gacki, here are the pictures I took of Halle for your 'private collection.'

Happity Halloweenie

All of the not-so-spooky-spooks from the Schramm house of horrors.
pretty much the scariest thing was Tanner (not pictured, of course, because cameras steal your soul) he was "guy who got stabbed by pencil" which consisted of a pencil sticking out of his shirt and blood (ketchup) dripping down the front and back of the wounds. Just use your imagination.
Sarah was????? just make up a weird name and that was her. The rest are pretty obvious. Hope you all had a fun Hallllllooooooweeeeennnnnn. This year we let the kids choose, draw and cut theirown pumpkins so we had a few "cyclops" pumpkins and a very cool one covered in warts.

Friday, October 31, 2008


But still Awesome!

halle the fairy

halle loves to bounce around in this tutu and her wings

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Butt-day Jaci...or boob-day!

Ah yes, another birthday for Jaci- but lets all hope that even though she's a year older, she never grows up! You rock sis!

just in case anyone forgot about the magnitude of Jake's awesomeness

Jake was coated by Dr Sachno one of the attendings over his clinic group practice.

Jake was then hugged by his booty-liscious wifey.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We had so much fun when Ang and Tye came to visit. This is the maymont mansion and park. It is so pretty. Sorry they had the waterfall turned off, here is a picture of what it normally looks like.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Sunday was Laurens birthday, so we had Aunt Bessie Cake and homemade peach ice cream. All those candles nearly melted the ice cream, and it took both kids to help put out the fire. Dresden is in the back saying, 'hot, hot'. Now, if you're wondering why these 3 are all posted separately- it's because they refused to up load together, so . . . . what ever.

This is Emmie (Mary Elizabeth) Bentson, Adams friend from Orem. She's a really nice girl and doesn't get disgusted when Adam acts like . . . well like Adam. And yes, she's tall (5'10) , and pretty and slim and very nice. We hope she hangs around lots more! Sorry Ad, I can't help myself! I did get an O.K. to put this picture on here.
This is Dresden putting the moves on Emmie and trying to steal her affections from Adam. So now she has passed the Halle AND the Dresden test.

Monday, September 15, 2008

hey Ang! I was just checking out your P&HV blog and have a great name for Sarahs' newest boy, especially if she's following the patriotic theme . . . how about Paul Revere Riding!? Or how about Loneranger Riding? okay, just thought I'd post it here cuz I'm not nervy enough to post to the other one.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Girl Haircut

I decided it was time for to cut off all of Halle's long thin baby hair.
She looks all grown up now!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jakes new occupation!

so, how come I can't figure out how to put a video on here? Okay, you'll just have to go to this youtube site. I have no idea how I got to this vid but it made me laugh and something about it made me think of Jake . Jake, I think you could do this , you know - at a school or ward party or come home and you can be a hit at Thanksgiving. If the address doesn't get you anything, try evolution of dance, a guy in jean and a red t-shirt.

Monday, August 25, 2008

This is when Sarah & I went to Zion to check out a job with Michael Fatali. It sounded good enough to make the trip but he said he wanted someone with 'gallery experience'. hey! I can point and pose like Vanna. oh well. The scenery didn't excite Sarah too much, but she was good company and make the scenery even better.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

shizzle my dizzle

Have you ever tried to get through scripture time when the children won't stop laughing? This is very hard and just when you get them calmed down it starts up again.
this is the chapter and verse that caused the uproar....
Ether 14:18
Finally we just gave up and sent them to bed.
Little shizes.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

More Shoes

Halle was tired of regular shoes, plus they just don't look as nice with a dress...

What's a girl to do?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aaron was ordained an Elder on July 20th.

Here he is with Adam and Josh . Then Grandma Spendlove. Then with Dad and Bill Nield.
Adan had to leave to do the electronics for a fireside so I didn't get him in on the pic with Dad. Mighty fine lookin' boys. Too bad Jake wasn't in the picture too. Or the girls . . . or their mother.

Here's cute Taiter on AJ's old bike. He's a good rider and a good sport to go with me on bike rides.

While Tait was visiting Grammy, we rode bikes, played with the kittens and dog, played in the water with cousins at the new Main Street Square, visited the Library and played with Dresden and Berlyn. But I wasn't camera conscious for some reason . . . so we don't have as many pictures to show. Sorry Tait.
In the 1st pic., the little girl in red is Trista- Judis' step daughter, then Connies Emily & Kaden.
Pic. 2 is another day with Kaden, Tait and Berlyn.
The last is Tait (center -blue & white shorts).

"oh what do you do in the summer time . . . ?"

Here's Halle checking out Grammys shoes. hey, she even walks like me!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

Very informative even if you're just a regular person, and not an engineer. Watch the whole thing. I challenge anyone of you to a Cat Yodeling Showdown. I bet Ninja could out-yodel Mooshi, Stripe, Milkshake, LillaWinks, or any of the rest of y'alls sorry excuse for cats.

SO, I haven't been online for like 6 weeks so I was all excited to get all caught up on everyone's news. BUT apparently you have all been as busy this summer as I have since this place is a barren wasteland. Good to know I'm not missing anything!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Congrats to Berlyn for a successful completion of her first swimming lessons. Today was her last session for the past 3 weeks and she did great. She was actually the most advanced of all the little kids in the class. When she turns 3 she can move up to level 1 and have private lessons with just the instructor vs have Josh or I there to accompany. Although, she usually preferred the instructor over Josh or I and would actually 'listen' to her....ummmmm surprise surprise!! :) As her reward, she was given a certificate and a fruit snack for a treat. wooohooo don't over do it huh?! :)Berlyn is still a little hesitant to jump in. She will pull your arms up closer and closer so that she basically just gets carried in vs jumping.

Today Dresden got to have his own little private lesson from his dad. He is a little fish and loves to jump in (completely opposite from his sister), go under water, kick his feet, and float on his back ....and be tossed high in the air by his dad.