Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dancin' all night

We went to the Winter Ball on Friday Night at Jake's school, it was more fun than any high school dance, probably because I was with Jake- the best dancer ever. He really knows how to have a good time on the dance floor, and he thought it was going to be lame.
We finally did another family photo too, it turned out okay I guess considering that I put it on the table and set the timer and ran to get in the picture.


Josh and Lauren said...

Dude you're totally missing the huge corsage on your coat and the one on Marci's wrist with like 4 massive roses. Get with the program! BTW did you use some of the same moves you used to mack on a 24 yr old return missionary on the boulevard when you were 18? hahaha roasted.

Mother Teresa said...

I think you're all super cute! or handsome, as the case may be. I'm glad to see you still dancing.